Joining your team's workspace is a straightforward process designed to get you started quickly and efficiently. This guide will walk you through the steps to join a Perfect Workspace.


📩 Step 1: Receiving an Invitation

To join a Perfect Workspace, you must first be invited by an existing member of the workspace.

Once invited, you will receive an email with a link to join the workspace. This email contains all the necessary information to proceed.

💌 Step 2: Accessing the Invitation

Look for the invitation in your email inbox. If you don't see it, make sure to check your spam or junk folder as it might have been filtered there.

<aside> ❓ Troubleshooting Non-receipt:

🔗 Step 3: Signing Up

Click on the link in your invitation email. This will direct you to the signup page.

📝 Step 4: Completing Your Profile

On the signup page, you'll be prompted to provide some basic information about yourself.

This includes:

✅ Ready to Go!

Once you have completed these steps, your account setup is complete, and you're ready to start using Perfect Workspace. Explore the platform, connect with your team, and begin optimizing your talent acquisition and recruitment process.